Traditionally, men are not invited to a baby shower. Actually I think it's safe to assume that it's called a "shower" and it doesn't happen in a locker room, it is traditional not to invite men. But in recent years traditions of all sorts have been changing. Women are having bachelorette parties to rival any man's bachelor party, and men are being invited to showers. Even if you haven't been invited to the shower, getting just the right gift for expectant parents can be a challenge for most guys.
The first thing you should consider is your relationship to the expectant parents. In general, for a coworker you probably shouldn't buy a very expensive gift. On the other hand, for a sibling or close friend you would probably want to stretch the budget a bit more.
There are no strict guidelines for this, but the coworker would most likely fall into the $10 - $50 range, or maybe even less depending on the situation. For someone you are close to, think in the range you would for a milestone birthday, and then consider maybe spending a little bit more than that because this is the most important milestone birthday for the baby. Of course only you really know what your budget can handle, so adjust accordingly.
One thing that many men raised in the traditional fashion don't think of is that many expectant parents register for the things they want at one or more stores. Unless you are trying to keep it a secret that you are even getting them a gift, there is nothing wrong with asking if they are registered and where.
This can make your life much easier because you are sure you are getting what they want, and the registry process helps prevent duplicate gifts that need to be exchanged. And the registry will likely include a range of items, often including very inexpensive items that would be appropriate from a coworker.
If for some reason the parents haven't registered, or you can't or don't want to get something on that list, there are some fallback options you can use that will almost always be appreciated.
For the coworker range things like nice picture frames, Christmas tree ornaments, and even savings bonds can be an excellent choice.
In the higher ranges you can still include savings bonds, or even a money market or CD in the child's name will be very much appreciated. Additionally, some things you won't find in a registry but that will make exceptional gifts include a children's book subscription, or a professional photo studio's package, especially one that includes portraits each year for a specified number of years.
If you know the parents very well you might even venture into some other unique gift ideas. Maid service for a year is something many new parents would appreciate, but some might be insulted. Disposable diapers make a great gift, but only if the parents are going to use them. Some parents are concerned with the impact on the environment, and may not want to use them, in which case you might consider a diaper service.
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