Monday, 6 April 2020

Practical Tips Before Moving Away to College As a Design Student

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It was not too long ago I found myself kissing my parents goodbye and standing awkwardly with my roommate in our new dorm trying to figure out what to do next. Nor was it too long ago that I sat in the middle of my room, yelling for my mother that we had forgotten something on the packing list so we had to go back to the store. However, in the time span that I shall classify as "not too long ago", I learned a lot about the things that College Confidential forgot to mention or Target neglected to sell me in their flyer. I feel it's my civic duty to share what I have learned between now and "not too long ago" so that others can be slightly more prepared than I was.

You Will Get Bored

The summer before I went to school, I said I wouldn't need a TV. I said I would be so occupied working with school stuff and being the social butterfly I envisioned myself to be. It goes without saying that the TV and my PS3 were probably the most needed things in that room by the end of the semester. First of all, my school provides cable to all those who decide to bring a TV. With shows like Pretty Little Liars and Dance Moms available to you, you have now found yourself a reasonable excuse to stop studying and something to discuss tomorrow with your friends.

That's just one aspect of the TV perks... now we introduce the game console. My console of choice? The PS3. I am not a hardcore gamer, but I like to have the option to come to my room and play Assassin's Creed for three hours if I so please. It's a good way to bond with people with multiplayer levels and new game releases happening miraculously during the semester (honestly... who planned that?) but also there is this amazing thing called Netflix and it has been nothing but a complete asset to me.

Netflix used to have good movies, but the one thing I have to commend Netflix for is their collection of television shows. I genuinely love it for the television and this is a good way to bond with people. The random independent movies are excellent ways to chat with people. My best friend and I have days where we hang out for a couple of hours and watch random independent movies. I have to say, it's been a rewarding experience. As if I couldn't list any more reasons to get that TV you are contemplating and to bring your game console, sometimes it's nice to have the TV there when its rainy outside and that studying you know you need to do... is just not happening.

It's the Little Things

It's the little things that make the difference on those "Meh" days. What little things am I talking about? I'm talking about splurging to get the neon coloured notebook as opposed to those boring paper ones in those unflattering shades. I am talking about getting those nifty sticky notes (I personally can attest to owning a panda sticky note set and a rainbow set) instead of boring yellow. I am talking about splurging on a super cute laptop case or a backpack if you know you aren't going to change them for a while. The little things that make you more productive or at the very least, make you smile will make you deserve those little perks.

Always Have Water!

I cannot tell you how important drinking water is to your college experience. I mean, besides the fact you need it to live your day to day life, but sometimes you can't afford that soda in the café.

Let's be honest, you aren't always going to have what you want in your dorm fridge and with the wide expanse of fountain drinks that the cafeteria houses, there is no shame in using a reusable bottle or even an old (rinsed out) bottle from something else to bring back some soda/lemonade.

Be Smart With Textbooks

Remember in elementary and middle school when you used to have to buy Book Sox for all of your textbooks? My mother used to complain about the egregious prices for the ones I wanted. However in this day and age, when you are paying for your textbooks and you have to dole out serious bills for them, that money is worth it. As you know (or soon will find out) the better the condition of your books, the more money you will receive after the bookstore fleece you. However, if you are super clever, you have made connections by trying to sell your books to someone who is looking for a good deal. If you are going to take anything away from this post: go to Target (or wherever you buy school supplies) and pick up some Book Sox.

Own a Fan...

No matter how perfect they may seem, a lot of schools are notorious for not having appropriate heating and cooling. My school decided that it would be cute to not turn the burning heat off until the first week of May in the warmest winter and spring the Northeast has seen in decades. I wish I had bought a fan so I wouldn't have had to exacerbate my allergies by sleeping pressed up against my window on the worst of the days.

... Be a Fan

Show some school spirit. I mean, don't be afraid to go all out. Find your sports niche. My school unfortunately doesn't have football (every fall, I find myself wearing Notre Dame apparel - go Fighting Irish!), so I distanced myself from my school because it's shameful that we don't have football. I found myself purchasing season tickets for our men's basketball team. One of the best purchases I made that year. I made amazing friends at the games. I got excited, painted my face and did the cheers. I loved the experience and I recommend everyone to go to one game to see if that's your scene. Some teams will have free tickets for students or discounted, so there really is no excuse!

Thursday, 2 April 2020

The Guy's Guide to the Perfect Baby Gift

Inexpensive Gifts For Coworkers To Save Your Paycheck
Traditionally, men are not invited to a baby shower.  Actually I think it's safe to assume that it's called a "shower" and it doesn't happen in a locker room, it is traditional not to invite men.  But in recent years traditions of all sorts have been changing.  Women are having bachelorette parties to rival any man's bachelor party, and men are being invited to showers.  Even if you haven't been invited to the shower, getting just the right gift for expectant parents can be a challenge for most guys.

The first thing you should consider is your relationship to the expectant parents.  In general, for a coworker you probably shouldn't buy a very expensive gift.  On the other hand, for a sibling or close friend you would probably want to stretch the budget a bit more.

There are no strict guidelines for this, but the coworker would most likely fall into the $10 - $50 range, or maybe even less depending on the situation.  For someone you are close to, think in the range you would for a milestone birthday, and then consider maybe spending a little bit more than that because this is the most important milestone birthday for the baby.  Of course only you really know what your budget can handle, so adjust accordingly.

One thing that many men raised in the traditional fashion don't think of is that many expectant parents register for the things they want at one or more stores.  Unless you are trying to keep it a secret that you are even getting them a gift, there is nothing wrong with asking if they are registered and where.

This can make your life much easier because you are sure you are getting what they want, and the registry process helps prevent duplicate gifts that need to be exchanged.   And the registry will likely include a range of items, often including very inexpensive items that would be appropriate from a coworker.

If for some reason the parents haven't registered, or you can't or don't want to get something on that list, there are some fallback options you can use that will almost always be appreciated.

For the coworker range things like nice picture frames, Christmas tree ornaments, and even savings bonds can be an excellent choice.

In the higher ranges you can still include savings bonds, or even a money market or CD in the child's name will be very much appreciated.  Additionally, some things you won't find in a registry but that will make exceptional gifts include a children's book subscription, or a professional photo studio's package, especially one that includes portraits each year for a specified number of years.

If you know the parents very well you might even venture into some other unique gift ideas.  Maid service for a year is something many new parents would appreciate, but some might be insulted.  Disposable diapers make a great gift, but only if the parents are going to use them.  Some parents are concerned with the impact on the environment, and may not want to use them, in which case you might consider a diaper service.