Friday, 13 March 2020

Hen Party Or Bachelorette Party Ideas

Planning for a bachelorette get together, or a Hen party if you are actually in the UK is the fun part of organising your wedding. There are lots of options for things to do and all sorts of choices for games. A lot of those ideas are a tad on the saucy or naughty side, but there are many that that are just plain clean fun and this is your chance to really let your hair down before you are no longer a single person.!

One entertaining game that is sure to engender at least a number of laughs is "name that item". Take a paper bag (a cloth bag is much better if you have one) and fill up the bag with typical 'male things". The things could include a razor, a money clip, a tie, shoe polish, etc. Close the bag, or fold it over really well. Next have each invitee really feel the bag and then try to imagine the contents. Have them write their guesses on a sheet of paper. Immediately after all people have had an opportunity to feel the bag, the items are revealed and the person with the most number of correct guesses receives the bag of male-oriented items.

Bachelorette party games are not only meant to provide entertainment to the celebration, but sometimes to help people get acquainted with each other. This can be a good chance for the bride's best friend to get to know the sister of the groom, or for the bride to get close to the groom's cousin or niece. Therefore an icebreaker activity isn't a bad concept.

Weddings can sometimes be very tense affairs and the more chances you get to break the ice, the more your wedding party will go with a BANG!

The best part about a bachelorette party or if you are from the UK a hen party is that it's a chance to have a good send off from your friends before you move on to the next big adventure in your life with your new husband.

MOST important of all though is that you must keep in touch with your friends even though you are married, try to set aside some time to keep up with the people you used to socialise with as this will help keep a balance with all the changes you are making.

Karen Jennings is a writer who regularly researches products and writes review on various subjects.

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